Annali di studi religiosi, 25, 2024

Numero: 25, 2024
Editore: Aracne
Città: Genzano di Roma
Anno: 2024




Introduction to Issue 2024 of “Annali di studi religiosi”
Massimo Leone
pp. 11
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Sezione 1
Embodiment and Disembodiment in Religion and Ethics

Introduction: Religious and Ethical Aspects of Embodiment and Disembodiment
Boris Rähme
pp. 27
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Embodiment, Disembodiment, and Overembodiment: Merleau-Ponty, Foucault, and Augustine on the Significance of Sexuality in Human Life
Paolo Costa
pp. 29
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Room for Otherness: Body, Space, and Materiality in the Investigation of Respect within Multi–Religious Cities and Spaces
Valeria Fabretti
pp. 49
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Disembodied Souls and Embodied Selves? The Return of the Soul in Medicine and of the Body in Spirituality
Lucia Galvagni
pp. 67
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Tengri Calling: Decolonizing Cultural Narratives in Contemporary Kazakhstan
Sara Hejazi
pp. 83
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“With My Whole Being”: The Experience of Ignatian Journey. A Provocation for Spiritual Imagination
Debora Tonelli
pp. 99
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Acting out and Acting in: Analyzing Digital and Virtual Liturgy
Shannon Craigo-Snell
pp. 119
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Sezione 2
A Disciplined Interdisciplinarity

Introduction: A Disciplined Interdisciplinarity
Massimo Leone
pp. 139
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Learning History and Learning from History: The Case of the Axial Age
Marco Barbieri
pp. 145
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Traiettorie del nichilismo: appunti sull’etica moderna
Nicolò Germano
pp. 165
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La presenza della soluzione grafica detta Odighìtria nel panorama religioso pugliese: problematiche formali e comunicative relative a un prodotto visuale destinato al culto
Antonio Pio Di Cosmo
pp. 185
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Le Catacombe dei Cappuccini di Palermo: note sullo studio transdisciplinare del patrimonio culturale d’interesse religioso
Rebecca Sabatini
pp. 245
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Sezione 3
Theology and Philosophy in Dialogue: Between Threshold, Imagination, and Emic Dimension

Debora Tonelli
pp. 267
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The Veiled Threshold: A Narrative Interpretation of the Temple in the Christian Revelation
Salvatore Rindone
pp. 271
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The Threshold between Human Rational Research and Revelation in Thomas Aquinas’ Summa Contra Gentiles
Vincenzo Serpe
pp. 291
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Ecumenical Theology from the Emic: Biblical Language as a Threshold between Truth and Communal Belief in the Postliberal Theology of H. Frei and G. Lindbeck
Pierangelo Bianco
pp. 309
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The Biblical Imaginary in Political Thought: The Example of the Consensus
Debora Tonelli
pp. 327
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Towards a Postcolonial Theology of Nonviolence: An Interreligious Path of Resistance Against Coloniality
Stefan Silber
pp. 345
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Sezione 4
Minorities and Autonomies: Dialogues on Rights

Introduction: Religious Minorities
Silvio Ferrari
pp. 363
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The Legal Concept of Autonomy in its Application to and within Religious Minorities: Unity of Differentiation?
Ilaria Valenzipp
pp. 373
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Minority Cultural Governance through Autonomy Arrangements as a Means of Exercising Agency
Kyriaki Topidi
pp. 397
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Rationales, Categories, Solutions, and Constraints in the Management of Linguistic Diversity: From Language to Religion … and Back?
Mattia Zeba
pp. 421
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Autonomy and Promotion of Religious Minorities’ Rights: A Historical-Legal
Rossella Bottoni
pp. 459
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Religious and Belief Identities: The European Paradigm of the Secular State
Roberto Toniatti
pp. 503
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Sette domande sui diritti delle minoranze di religione e convinzione e sulla loro misurazione
Silvio Ferrari, Roberto Toniatti
pp. 539
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Sezione 5
Mortali. Riflessioni sull’arte di vivere

ntroduzione: mortali; vivere nonostante
Lucia Galvagni
pp. 583
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La vita: un viaggio di cui prendersi cura
Loreta Rocchetti
pp. 591
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Le cure palliative incontrano Ifigenia
Giada Lonati
pp. 609
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Sezione 6

Ludger H. Viefhues–Bailey, No Separation: Christians, Secular Democracy, and Sex. A Critical Notice
Paolo Costa
pp. 623
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Indifference towards Dehumanization: A Political–Philosophical Approach to the Trafficking of Women
Elena Cuomo
pp. 631
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Una “nazione cristiana”? Sovranità, identità nazionale e appartenenza religiosa a Tuvalu
Nicola Manghi
pp. 647
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Authors’ biographies / Biografie degli autori
pp. 663
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